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Kiteboarders - Kitesurfers: Ultimate Book On Power Kiting And Kiteboarding

Ultimate Book of Power Kiting, Kiteboarding Kitesurfing

Great deal on kiteboarding book: $13.97

Kiteboarding is a hot water sport still in its infancy.  You may regularly see kiteboarders pumping up and laying out their kites and kiteboarding gear at the beach, river, lake or any other place with water with the opportunity of a draft.  The best way to describe kitesurfing is to imagine taking a very large inflatable kite.  Get a control system for the kite which includes strings, bars and other control and safety pieces.  And of course you'll need a board.  In lay terms, you launch the kite in the air (will help at times to have a buddy help you).  You walk your kite out to the water.  Sit back and slap your board on.  Then you're off.


While this may sound like you can grab a kite and a board and go, it's highly suggested you get lessons from a PASA certified kiteboarding school.  While lessons vary from person to person, expect a good introductory course on kiting, kiteboarding basics and kite movement to take a few hours.  Kitesurfing instructors love to teach new students how to enjoy this great watersport.  Expect, however, your instructor - instructors to establish a training program based on of safety.


While it won't cost you anything to click on the kiteboarding book link...

It will definitely cost you more down the road if you don't!


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